Wednesday 17 September 2014

Research - location and set design

The Kings Head Hotel 

22 Sept - We called the Kings Head Hotel in Darlington at 10am and are awaiting a call back from the Manager 

22 Sept - (Evening) Hotel said that we were welcome to. We have to get back to them with dates and times, once we have discussed as a group to see which is viable for people need for filming (pref all group) 

If this doesn't fall through here are a list of alternative hotels which we will keep for backup;

It is unlikely that the larger corporate hotels will allow us to use their business for filming purposes, but If the Kings Head doesn't allow us to film we always have these for   

Darlington Town Centre

  • 'Random Shots'
  • Walking together
  • Water fountain?

Train Station

  • Establishing shot
  • Group/ band stood at top of the stairs
  • Tracking shot down stairs- gradually zoom out - walking on clap of beat
  • Filming in the bypass tunnel on the clock side
  • Over bridge on the main entrance

Dance Studio 

We have booked out the dance studio to film our band shots (below are the time sheets where we have booked two shoots Ellie, Lauren, Anouska). We have tests shoots planned using white fabric to completely to cover the back wall and floor to maintain consistency.

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