Wednesday 17 September 2014

Additional Research

Cinematography, mise-en-scene and editing:
  • black & white 
  • low key lighting 
  • dark clothing, mainly leather 
  • extreme close ups of instruments 
  • close ups of band - usually lead singer
  • use of shadows and silhouettes 
  • images that make use of vertical detail with horizontal writing over the top usually stating the band and their song
  • performance based shots 
  • aerial shots of the band
  • cut aways usually featuring the band 
  • slight use of humour but very subtly 
  • use of mirrors or reflections 
  • effects and graphics to add something to different to the video
  • long establishing shots 
  • lighting and projectors, shining onto objects 
  • serious facial expression 
  • hints of colour - either through lighting or miss-en-scene

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