Features - news, tour dates, music, visual, forum, music player, social networking, search site, subscriptions
Interactive - roll over effect, music player, search engine for the website, links to the social networks
Signify the genre - font, sharp pop & maybe a mix of something else, direct eye contact breaking the fourth wall typical for pop artists, red colour scheme stands out, visuals contain a lot of close ups which is also typical for pop genre.

One Direction:
Features - 1D tour tracker, news, music, lyrics, events, 'The boys', photos, videos, newsletter, store, merch, musicstore, 1D book, gifts
Interactive - links to social media pages, tour tracker, music player, link to new single, links to buy tickets
Signifies the genre - font, colour scheme, lots going on on the page, pictures of the band, tracker (for younger 'directioners'),
You Me At Six:
Features - home, news, live, images, videos, store, social network links, download links
Interactive - links to social media, videos, music player,
Signifies the genre - darker colour, rockier style, chilled out style, laid back, banner not all of band, body language, no bright colours, less excited design.
Overall it can be seen that nearly all music websites, no matter what the genre, include: a news page, tour dates, images, links to their music (downloads, iTunes, amazon), merchandise and links to buy tickets. They all show the genre of the artist very clearly and often have a theme running through them whether that be the colours and themes of their latest album/ single or whether it is just the artists/ bands image as a whole. Therefore when it comes to me creating a website for my band and music video i will try and so the same. I will include the typical pages of a music website and make suer that the theme of my music video and digipack also runs through the website. I will try and portray the genre clearly and make sure that the website supports the band's image.
upload screenshots of the sites that you've analysed. Please suggest how your ideas are developing. please be specific about features, forms and conventions that you'd include in your own work.