1. They demonstrate genre characteristics
2. The lyrics are represented through the visuals
3. The tone and atmosphere of the visuals represent that of the music
4. The demand of the record label will include many close ups of the artist
5. There is often reference to notion of looking (screens, mirrors, stages)
6. There is often intertextual reference
Notes from the handout:
'[ a music video is] a clip that responds to the pleasures of music, and in which that music is made visual, eiin new ways or in ways that accentuate existing visual associations' - Andrew Goodwin, Dancing in the Distraction Factory
1. 'Thought Beats' - The process of Synesthesia, where you picture sounds in your mind's eye. First person mode of address.Personal trademarks dominates the performance.
2.Songs rarely tell complete narratives. Performance is more important than storytelling and there need to be repeatability.
3. The Star - Meta- narrative is a term that describes the development of a stars image over time. Music videos are one of the most important tools in shaping an artist's image.
4.The way videos relate visuals to the song - illustration, amplification and disjuncture.
Illustrate: proving sometimes over literal set of images.
Amplification: see as the mark of the true music video Auteur, the director as artist. The video retain a link with the song and work to enhance or develop ideas.
Disjuncture: Music videos that intentionally seem to work by ignoring the original song and creating a whole new set of meanings.
5. Technical aspects of music videos -
- speed of camera movement, editing pace and digital effects mimics that of the song
- Cut to the close-up of the artists face
- cutting on the beat of the music or key rhythm
- Lighting and colour - emphasis key moments, show developments in the song, creating effect
- Mise -en -scene - often to guarantee the authenticity of the video.
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