Monday, 1 December 2014

Evaluation Question One - In what ways do your media products use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

In what ways do your media products use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Genre's form and conventions and comparison. 

Andrew Goodwin theory.


In our video we tried to represent our band as young males who were care free, enjoyed their music and had very little cares. We tried to achieve this through their body language, their actions and the way they performed. We also tried to represent them as indie with rock influences through their costume choice. We chose for them to wear jeans, with vans or trainers and leather jackets. This is because we decided this would mainly connote the indie genre but the leather jacket would hint at the rock influence. We also wanted to represent them as quite quirky and not the 'perfect boy band' that is more associated with the pop genre. In our cut aways we had them 'messing around' in different locations and almost teasing each other which connoted their youth and casual personalities. The location also helped with their representation as we filmed them in an urban area suggesting they are from a city/ town which is often linked to indie/rock genres as many artist will do the pub circuit and busk. Furthermore less urban and more rural locations are usually associated with country and folk music, so we wanted to stay away from this.

Representation through costume:

Black skinny jeans, vans and trainers that are often linked to 'indie' fashion

Leather jackets almost aways associated with rock and roll genres 

Leather jackets, beanies and a t-shirt with an influential artist in associated musical genres.

Dark costume and colours as bright costume and mise - en - scene is more associated with the pop genre.

Some issues of representation that we encountered were; we didn't want the band to seem reckless as these kind of associations are made with the pure rock genre - we wanted them to seem more cheeky than reckless, we also had the issue of making them seem older than they are but still youthful, the bands target audience would be around late teens early twenties so we wanted them to seem mature but good fun as well. This was particularly useful when creating the digipak and website as we wanted them to seem serious about the music, but laid back and quirky in personality. 

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