Evaluation Question Four - How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?
How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?
Research & planning:
What presentational devices did I use in my Evaluation and what benefits did they have?
- Prezi - prezi is an online presentational device that allows you to create interactive presentations that follow a path. It allows you import images, videos, audio and links. You can have as many stops on the path as you like and it also allows you to either follow an already created template or start a completely blank prezi that is more suitable for your topic.
- Powerpoint & Word - I used both power point and word as ways of presenting my information as they are good if you have a lot of text to present. They can then be uploaded online through a website called www.scribd.com that allows you to upload your documents and allows other users to then find them. They can be shared, published and embedded.
- www.bubblr.us - This website is used to create mind maps that are online. I used this website to mind map my ideas and findings. I then screenshot the bubbles and pasted them into my blog. It is beneficially as it clearly presents my work in a clear path that shows my ideas and findings developing and expanding.
- Blog posts - I also used blogger to create normal blog posts. This was beneficially as it is simple and is an easy way to display my work. However I can still embed images, videos and links to make them interactive.
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